
3 Key Practices for Creating Relationship Thrival

3 Key Practices for Creating Relationship Thrival Have you stopped feeling special in your relationship? As a marriage therapist, I often hear one half of a couple who has come for couple’s counselling, share his or her sadness and disappointment about not feeling special anymore in the relationship. This can prompt the other spouse to exclaim “What do you mean, you don’t feel special? Of course you’re special to me.” Often  the partner replies with something similar to …

3 Key Practices for Creating Relationship Thrival Read More »

Use this practice to enjoy a more satisfying sex life with your partner

Use this practice to enjoy a more satisfying sex life with your partner As a somatic psychotherapist and marriage counsellor I offer intimacy coaching to couples who would like to deepen their intimate connection and want to share a more satisfying sex life. The number one practice and first, very simple step towards a more fulfilling sex life is body mind awareness. In a world that is incredibly fast-paced and almost everybody’s day is tightly …

Use this practice to enjoy a more satisfying sex life with your partner Read More »

Did you know there is one very simple way to extend your life span?

Did you know there is one very simple way to extend your life span? How do you feel about ageing? If you are reading this and you haven’t hit your 40s yet, you might not spend any time thinking about ageing at this point in your life. But if you have passed the 40 or 50 mark then you might have spent some time reviewing your life: Where has it led you so far? Are …

Did you know there is one very simple way to extend your life span? Read More »

Eat enough of these cookies and your depression could disappear…

Eat enough of these cookies and your depression could disappear… That would be a logical conclusion to come to if you happen to watch the latest Nabisco Cookie commercial for the “Chips Ahoy Chewy Gooey Cookies”  because… “they are crammed with joy.” In these times of stress many individuals struggle with increased depression and anxiety. As you may know, when you’re depressed, your serotonin levels are low. Low serotonin levels in turn trigger cravings for …

Eat enough of these cookies and your depression could disappear… Read More »