intimacy coaching

Use this practice to enjoy a more satisfying sex life with your partner

Use this practice to enjoy a more satisfying sex life with your partner As a somatic psychotherapist and marriage counsellor I offer intimacy coaching to couples who would like to deepen their intimate connection and want to share a more satisfying sex life. The number one practice and first, very simple step towards a more fulfilling sex life is body mind awareness. In a world that is incredibly fast-paced and almost everybody’s day is tightly …

Use this practice to enjoy a more satisfying sex life with your partner Read More »

Intimacy Coaching: 10 minutes to a deeper Intimate Connection

Intimacy Coaching: 10 minutes to a deeper Intimate Connection In my Burnaby marriage therapy office, I often hear couples talk about their desire for a deeper intimate connection. Perhaps you can relate to this scenario: Sex is mostly good or okay, but not as great as it could be, because of time constraints and scheduling problems, lack of connection or underlying conflict. After years of working as a couples counsellor and somatic therapist, and from …

Intimacy Coaching: 10 minutes to a deeper Intimate Connection Read More »