How to make Valentine's day not just ANOTHER painful reminder that you don’t have a partner
Whether you’re feeling the loss of a not-too-distant breakup or you’re sitting in the longing of meeting that special someone, you might be wishing that Valentine’s Day would have come and gone already.
Who needs a reminder of romantic couple love everywhere when it just brings back painful memories or makes you wonder what’s wrong with you… Why can’t you seem to meet a truly nice guy or gal who wants you?
As a couples counselor and relationship therapist I often work with singles who want to break unhealthy and dysfunctional patterns of relationships past. As we deconstruct familiar relationship dynamics and old hurts, we most often discover that things would shift greatly if there was an increased focus on loving the self rather than trying to please the other.
Especially as women we are still hearing the old echoes of the female’s job description as being someone who is nurturing, in service, helpful, kind, loving and caring. Of course there is nothing wrong with being a nurturing, kind and loving individual – on the contrary – but it needs to start with YOU.
Because Valentine’s day isn’t all chocolate and roses for many, there are more and more messages in the media about using this day to love yourself. It’s an excellent idea. Let this Valentine’s daymark a shift in the most important love relationship in your life – the relationship you have with yourself.
If you had a partner who was the love of your life and infinitely special to you – how would you treat him or her? Would you:- force them to do things because you thought they SHOULD? Because it made you happy?
- make them feel guilty if they said no because they were honouring their own truth?
- tell them that they should put themselves last and everyone else’s needs first?
- tell them that they would be more lovable if they lost 10 pounds, had a smaller belly or bigger chest?
- think they should feel responsible for other people’s happiness?
- suggest they do everything in order to avoid disappointing others?