Intimacy Coaching: 10 minutes to a deeper Intimate Connection
In my Burnaby marriage therapy office, I often hear couples talk about their desire for a deeper intimate connection.
Perhaps you can relate to this scenario: Sex is mostly good or okay, but not as great as it could be, because of time constraints and scheduling problems, lack of connection or underlying conflict.
After years of working as a couples counsellor and somatic therapist, and from my personal experience, I know that how deeply we connect with others depends on our ability to be fully present in the moment.
Take a moment right now to stop and reflect. Where is all your energy? While you’re reading this, is a part of you thinking about the deadline of your project, or what you need to prepare for the kids? Or are you fully present in your body and with the process of reading this article?
Most likely, you’re energy is scattered; especially if you’re in the habit of multitasking. Don’t get me wrong, multitasking has its benefits, but none of them are relationship and intimacy enhancing.
Do you ever catch your thoughts wandering off while you’re making love or having a quickie? Nobody likes to admit that while they’re in the throes of passion a part of their mind is engaged making the grocery list or thinking about the laundry.
Here is a perceptively simple exercise which I like to call Skinergy. Regularly practicing 10 minutes of Skinergy will help you become more present with your intimate partner, which in turn will create a deeper intimate connection.
Skinergy combines Skin with Energy.
One of the most effective ways to become fully present in the moment and with someone else is to become fully present in your own body.
- Lie down together completely undressed, i.e. skin on skin ( you could stand but most couples prefer a horizontal position and support for their long torso).
- Start with your eyes closed and connecting to yourself. Take several deep breaths and become aware of your body. What does it feel like? Are you tense, is there any pain, do you feel cold or hot?
- After a couple of minutes, make eye contact with your partner (it doesn’t matter if you’re completely synchronized or not).
- Now tune into the connection between you and your beloved. What does his or her body feel like next to yours? What do you see in his or her eyes?
- After a couple of minutes return to your own body experience. This process of taking turns of being present with yourself and another is called shuttling.